This house is less than a block away from our current house, but look at how much more room it has! Almost double the square footage. The cool thing about this house is that it was built in 1920, and is full of character. We have big plans to rejuvenate it, starting with removing the chain-link fence. Picture it with: dark blue paint, white trim, a dark red front door with an oval leaded glass window, stone work where the cement blocks are, nicely fenced back yard, stone walkways, gardens, etc. Inside we are hoping the hardwood floors can be restored, walls need to be re-finished, update the kitchen, add a deluxe bathroom on the master bedroom, finish the basement, etc. Basically update or restore as much as we can over time, for as long as we own the house. We'll have much more space to have guests stay with us here too. Our move-in date will be around July 1st, so start planning your vacations at Villa Greek soon!