These are sprouts on one of the rose bushes near the front sidewalk.
I can't remember what type of bush this is, but it'll be flowering soon too.
Carman, who is now a strictly outside cat, has his hopes up waiting to come back in the house. No chance, buckaroo. We know the house is yours, you don't have to keep reminding us.
Feta, a.k.a. "needy cheesy" can't be alone, and will let us know if she feels we are neglecting her. But now, the inside of the house is her domain. Just like the inside of the camper is Carman's (and Brendan's)
Speaking of Brendan, he is somewhere between Nebraska and South Carolina right now. They expect to be back here mid-May.
Monday has the itchies again. The Vet said it's most likely allergies, but not sure to what yet. He has to eat white rice and cottage cheese right now, because those foods should not make him itch. BUT, he's still scratching and chewing, so we wait to see what the vet says next.
The Tulips here are all part of the plan to get the house sold. We must be doing something right, we have two standing offers on it. If the first falls through, then the back-up offer takes it.
Our moving date will be July 1st, just like the Ofenboecks (yeah!) who are moving here also.
James is getting more shifts at the Greek restaurant, and saving all his money for school next year. (I'll have to take pictures of their yummy food to keep up with Dan.)
I still think its hilarious that James is working at the Greek resteraunt!!
I believe that unknown flowering bush MAY be a lilac...
Hey Guys! I 'found' you on the Small's site, which I found on Kori's site...this is getting to be a virtual reunion! Joanne, I still remember you bringing me flowers after Alisha was born...can you believe she just turned 8!? Anyway, hope all is well, I enjoyed all your pictures and LOVE the tulips. Definitely adds to the ambience! Keep in touch!
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